Monday, 12 March 2012

myworld interview - Kidda

Today we are talking to fabulous Kidda, Music producer, DJ, remixer, songwriter, animator, director, graphic artist. Watch out for Kidda's "Don't wanna fall in love" in the soon to be released timelapse from myhotel Bloomsbury!

myworld: What are you up to today?

K: Had a weekend of lovely nothing-to-do's. Lie-ins, family, food, music, booze and bought some red trousers for when the revolution kicks off.

myworld: Anything super hip you’re working on that you wouldn’t mind sharing with myworld?

K: Writing lots of new tunes, 40 in the last 2 months. They sound like a vision of the future from 1982, made somewhere that only exists in my head. All I know is there's a beach, some neon and hazy sunsets. Also going to knock up a roast later, that'll be very hip. 

myworld: If you were designing a hotel bedroom what would be amongst your top 3 prerequisites?

K: Massive bath, good mattress and some kind of robot/manservant to hang out with. You could be in the fanciest hotel room in the world and still be lonely.

myworld: Our design philosophy takes into account the 5 senses – of all of them, which is your favourite and why?

K: Smell, it's the best for evoking memories. An old van drove past me last week and the smell of diesel exhaust fumes took me straight back to being 5 and queuing at the ice cream van in our road in the summer. Magic 

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