Wednesday, 15 August 2012

myworld interview - Alan Tomlins from Small Batch Coffee Company

Today we're chatting with Alan Tomlins, Chief Roaster and the face of Small Batch Coffee Company at myhotel Brighton! You can find them here

myworld: What are you up to today?

AT: Today I am working in the roastery after doing breakfast service at our myhotel shop.

myworld: Anything super hip you¹re working on?

AT: I am deciding which lots we want to bid on in the Guatemala Cup of Excellence auction next week, an online auction that allows roasters to buy special microlots of green coffee directly from the farmers. I have to select the lots we will go for and figure out the maximum price we are prepared to pay as it is a live internet auction and gets very competitive!
myworld: If you were designing a hotel bedroom what would be amongst your top 3 prerequisites?

AT: Big bathtub, great view, balcony

myworld: Our design philosophy takes into account the 5 senses ­ of all of them, which is your favourite and why?

AT: A lot of my time is spent assessing coffee quality so definitely taste and smell for me as you need a well trained palate. Of these taste would be the winner.

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